How to keep up on writing blogs

Honestly keeping up with my blog post has been a really challenge. They just are something you can easily forget about. Once you start getting behind on them it’s just so easy to get more and more behind to the point you have like 20 to do. Averagely I can write a blog in about 10 minutes, but it’s also the links and the picture that take more time than anything. Lately I have been getting better on writing more blogs though.

Here are tip to keep up writing blogs from a website called writetodone:

  • Get motivated. Accept responsibility for you own actions. Acknowledge that you’re the only person who can do this. That if you don’t glue your backside to the chair and first start, then finish writing your article or book, no one else is going to do it for you.
  • Create tight imaginary deadlines for yourself to spur you on.
  • Commit to your writing.
  • Remove all distractions.
  • Use motivational tools. Don’t dismiss Twitter as a waste of time waster or, at best, a simple networking tool.

After trying each one of these tips I’ve noticed myself staying up with my blogs per week. Honestly if everyone would just stay caught up or do them all super earlier there should be no problem with the 3 blogs per week.

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Gods Greatness

Church is a place everyone feels a great deal of emotions for. Those emotions could either be good or bad, but it is all because of personal experiences they have went through. From those personal experiences they are able to give a testimony of everything that has happened within their lives.

The word “testimony” is used in few different ways. One common usage is when a person is brought into a courtroom and placed under oath to tell, attest to, or give witness to his or her personal knowledge or experience with reference to the case that is being heard. To link the word “Christian” to the word “testimony” is to narrow the focus of the testimony and who can give it. Only a Christian can give a Christian testimony, and a Christian is one who has received forgiveness for sin by trusting alone in the person and work of Jesus Christ for that forgiveness.

A Christian testimony is given when Christians relate how we came to know the God of the Bible through the moving of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. Most commonly, we are sharing how we became Christians by God’s miraculous intervention and work in our lives through specific events. Often we can only see that in hindsight, but sharing that experience is vital. Also, when giving this testimony, a sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is always a necessity. Though we can include specific information about how we came to accept Christ as Savior, those details should not be the focus of the testimony. The focus should be about the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.

When given the assignment of finding a person with an interesting story  I had to think about every possible way I could talk to someone new without sounding like a total creep. At my church final came to mind after I thought about all the possible ways asking strangers at my job could turn out bad. Lucky for me this Wednesdays people were giving testimony’s of their lives and this one I found to be the most inspiring and interesting.

My preachers wife made the big announcement two weeks ago that she would be giving her testimony because she felt like god was telling her that she needed to start telling her story or else she would forget it.

She grew up in a loving church home that was always devoted in church, which was due to her dad being a preacher. As a child she was a very strong minded kid, even telling kids in kindergarten that if they were mean that they would go to hell. The reason was doing that was because she remembered her dad preaching about the rapture, which could happen any moment. At kids church camp she remembered how she would be a pray Nazi, making sure everyone was really praying and doing the correct things.

When she had reached the age of 10 she was day dreaming about finding the perfect boy to marry, like any girl at that age. Eventually she did meet a boy in high school and fell in deep love for him. They ended up getting married after high school because she believed he was the right and was all righteous in the name of the lord. She got her dream job of being a Youth Pastor shortly after that. Even though she had all these great things going on in her life she still felt like she was missing something. She somewhere down the line from her life to that point had developed a fear of god in a way without knowing it.

Eventually after five years in her marriage she learned that she was pregnant. She still felt like she was missing something in her life, but just got in the mindset that this baby will be something new and that it will take up that void.

On Thanksgiving day of that year she told her family about the great news and everyone was happy for her, but not only four days later when she went to the doctor she learned something was wrong. She had a miscarriage with the baby and it made her sadder than she has ever been before. She had to go through many more doctor appointments after than and went undergo surgery so that many this would never happen again.

A couple months later when her husband had left the house her texted her if she had read a note that he had left her on their coffee table. Her thinking that it was gonna be a love note got excited about it and rush to read it very quickly. Within the note it said that he does not know if he loves her anymore and that they needed to rethink somethings in their marriage. She was devastated by it and became in denial that they could work through it all.

The next four weeks after that she remembered it being the worst experience of her life because they were separated but still lived together. She did not sleep for days and prayed that maybe god could change her husband. It did not take her long to realize that she needed change to because either way the outcome of the marriage she needs to be stronger then before. Gods grace gave her the right verses to read at that moment, which was Romans 8:28.

Once she had gotten a divorce she felt as if a great weight had lifted off her back. She came to the realization that even if she was still 80 and single that at least she still knows her one and true father. She went through many other heart aches after this still but she knew that she had to keep fighting.

She eventually did meet the man of her dreams at the age of 25 though,and has never felt better in her life. She now knows how great gods mercy is and how strong his love is for her. She no longer has the feeling of something missing in her life anymore either.Testimonies 2.jpg


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Is playing video games worth it?

Everyone has played a video game sometime in their simple lives. People either hate them or they absolutely love them. Game systems used to be faidly cheap compared to other entertainment, but now days they are just getting expensive. A game system, like the new Nintendo switch, averagely start at the price of 300 or more. With that you just get the console and a control. A game for that console will them be about 60 dollars. If you would like to play two players and get another remote that will be another 60 bucks. So the total price would add up to be over 400 just to get started. In my opinion that is just absolutely ridiculous.

An online article by moneynig tells all the benefits and the cons of playing video games. The article basically says thatVideo games have taken some heat in recent years due to issues with youth violence and youth obesity. Critics of video games see them as contributing to these two important issues. Kids play too many video games and don’t get outside, leading to an increasing number of them being overweight. There have been a rising number of violent acts by youth, leading some to believe that first person shooter games may be a cause. Video games can cause schoolwork to slip.

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U.S President = gas price?

Whenever prices at gas stations start going up people tend to start blaming the person in charge of our country, the president.  But in all reality  the prices of gasoline really are out of the control of them. Gas, just like any other product, is priced on the demand and also the availability of it. The only true way for America to not have to worry about gas prices would be to do away with the need of it. By using oil more efficiently and by developing alternative sources of fuel would be the overall best way for America to achieve this.

New York Times said, “We consume about 20 percent of the world’s oil but hold only 2 percent of the oil reserves. That means we are, in economics jargon, “price takers.” Domestic production has increased during the Obama administration, but it has had minimal effects on global prices because, as producers, we are just too small to matter much. And even if domestic oil companies further increased production, they would sell to the highest global bidder.”

Basically what this means is that we as Americans have to take whatever price that is given to us since the gasoline and oil does not come from our own soil.  Also the more oil that is produced the more it would cost since many other countries all would bid on it, making the price depend on who wins it.

The natural state

In my over all opinion Arkansas is one of the prettiest states in America. We have mountains, and lakes, both of those just make it really worth being here.  Arkansas also has many things other states might not have like Hot springs, Diamond mines, and even the large amount of hiking trails.

To me I think living in another state would be a large culture shock. Stated like Arizona doesn’t have waterfalls and forests like we have here. I think it would be cool to see the dessert, but I just wouldn’t like it forever. There is nothing like the fresh air you feel on top of a mountain.

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Online college classes 

Everyone thinks online college classes are the life, you don’t have to get up and get ready and you can do the work anytime you want. I believe however that it’s a lot more work then just a regular class.

First of all you basically have to teach yourself the lessons. If you are the type of person that can read and follow directions then online classes isn’t something you’d be good at. I’m currently in an online survey of America history class at the moment and it’s hard because there’s not someone to tell me if I’m studying the right thing or not. This makes tests harder due to the fact that if you didn’t study what the important information was then you’d basically fail.

Another thing that makes online classes harder is the fact that you might get lazy or forget to do assignments. College online classes end sooner then regular classes also so you need every point you can get the pass the class. Missing a couple of assignments can bring your grade from a A to a C.

U.S News says, “Since most employers and others colleges won’t accept the credits, it’s a waste of time and money to choose an unaccredited school. Verify a college’s accreditation with the federal government.”

What that means is that if you were to switch colleges at any point then some of the colleges would not even accept the hard work you did.

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Wasted meal plan

Lately I’ve been thinking about the outrage amount it costs for meal plans here at tech campus. Honestly to me it’s a complete waste of money due to the fact I never have time to go eat here on campus. I believe tech should just charge students that live here at the end of the semester on the meals they had here instead of just saying heres a limit, have fun. I understand tech makes a ton of money off of meal plans but still it is basically just stealing money from students.

A article by consumerism commentary says, “The college knows that you probably won’t eat every meal provided on your plan. For plans with points, colleges some how get away with expiring the points at the end of the semester or year without rolling them over to the next semester or providing the student a refund. To take full advantage of the meal plan and the price you pay, students must eat every meal and use every point, and that’s not a realistic expectation.”

Meals at the cafe to me are also over priced for what they are serving. Half the time the food there is either cold when I go or there’s no food at all. This overall makes me not want to go and use my meal plan altogether, which is probably what they want.

My rant on meal plans are now over. My final statement is that tech either needs to step it up on food quality, or step down on their pricing on the meal plans.

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Quest to get in shape

Most people each year strive to get in shape and keep working out all year long. The dream that they will get rips or lose a lot of weight is a just a dream for most people though. When things get hard people end up quitting. Even I have fallen in this ever ending trap of where I will work out once and then take a break, but not ever get off the break.

Here are 5 tips to make sure you can keep up the mind set of working out by the website Mind body green:

  1. Do shorter work outs. By doing this it will take up less time and over time once you’ve been doing this for a while you’ll see many changes.
  2. Start small. Starting small will get you in the habit of doing more because after a while your judgment on small will change.
  3. Commit for 30 days. The first 30 days of anything us hard for anyone but once you’ve past that 30th day you’ll feel unstoppable.
  4. Make it a ritual. Make working out to you as often as you brush your teeth. It’s something you don’t have to think about doing, you just do it. If you don’t think about working out you won’t be able to make excuses for yourself.
  5. Schedule your workouts. Everyone has busy life’s, but if you start scheduling around your workouts instead you’ll see you have more time then you think.

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Top favorite games

Everyone has had experience playing some game some point in their lives no matter what age they are. Most kids now days prefer video games over any other type of game. Board games are now making a switch to also make video games to stay up with the new times. Video games are kind of like movies but you get to make the choices yourself, they way you want to. Video games also have many different types of genres depending on what you enjoy playing!

Here my top 5 favorite video games of all time:

  1. Elder scrolls Skyrim; on ps3
  2. Mario party 2; On Nintendo 64
  3. Call of duty, Black ops 2; on ps3
  4. 2k16; on ps4
  5. Pokemon, Red version; on Gameboy

Click here to see ING‘s top games of the year if you think mine are complete crap.

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IPhone vs Android

The battle between apple and android softwares have always been there. Each year they try to blow each other away with new phones and innovations. But no matter how much they steal from each other, design wise, they both have there own pros.

Androids major pro over Apple to me is just the fact you have a lot more choices in phone within android. If you don’t like the design of a LG phone then you could just get a galaxy and still have android. Now if you don’t like the design of the newest iphone then the only option is to get a older model, which could go outdated.A pro that I see apple has over andriod though is that the updates are quick and a lot more often.

In conclusion I’m a die hard andriod fan but I have also had and apple phone before. Really when choosing a phone it all depends on what you want to do with it to really decided which you should get.

Follow this link to help make your choice between Andriod or Apple: link

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